The privilege of


is being who you are

Joseph Campbell



My name is WINNIE PICCOLO and I have been a psychotherapist in private practice in Santa Rosa for more than 25 years. I am glad you found my site and invite you to take a good look around. If what you find gives you a positive feeling about working with me, I encourage you to contact me.

You are not alone if you find the decision to enter therapy a difficult one. Going to therapy is an investment of time, money and energy and is therefore never a step taken lightly. It may help you to know that according to reliable research a majority of people who invest in therapy report benefits and lasting positive effects. Plus, there is more and more evidence from neuroscientific findings that psychotherapy heals and changes the brain . What science is validating, I believe, is not really news: therapy can be a life changing experience.

Problems, dilemmas, stress and pain come in many forms and into every life. Seeking relief, and perhaps answers, is natural. In my experience, true relief often begins with bringing close attention to the deeply personal knot of feelings, thoughts and symptoms that is at the core of your unique situation right now. Therapy with the right therapist for you offers a safe and sacred space for such close examination. “Unpacking” the story of your present struggle can open doors to change, growth and healing. If this is your moment to take a step in that direction, perhaps I can be of help to you.

I am a mature therapist with a deep reservoir of life experience to draw upon, as well as an accumulation of wisdom that is born from many years of working with people facing complicated obstacles to living a life of meaning and personal fulfillment. I work with adults of all ages. My style is interactive, even as deep listening and being present with you are my focus and my calling. I establish a good, empathic rapport fairly quickly. My office is a safe and warm space. Providing immediate support, building trust and getting as clear as possible on your hopes and expectations are always our starting place.

This website is designed and written to give you a sense of who I am as a therapist. If you are interested, you may navigate the site and learn more about:

• my therapeutic orientation
• my areas of experience and expertise
• the ideas and values that guide me in my work
• my personal and professional background

Once you step into my office, the most important world we will navigate is YOURS .

Again, if what you see and read here sparks in you a bit of hope or stirs an interest in working with me, please call or email me. I look forward to meeting you in person and discovering together whether your needs and what I offer are a good match.